بصفتي مقدم الطلب ، أقر بأن المعلومات التي قدمتها في هذا النموذج صحيحة.
سيتم نقل بياناتي الشخصية إلى جمعية الإلحاد ضمن نطاق برنامج مساعدة اللاجئين الملحدين ؛ حتى لو كان يحق لي الاستفادة من خدمات جمعية الإلحاد ، في حالة الشك ، يمكن تقييم حقوقي وإلغائها إذا لزم الأمر ؛ أوافق على استخدام بياناتي الشخصية ، بما في ذلك التسجيلات الصوتية والمرئية المطلوبة ، بطريقة ترتبط بشكل مباشر وتقتصر على غرض تشغيل برنامج مساعدة اللاجئين الملحدين
سألتزم بتعليمات الاعتماد ومتطلبات الاعتماد الخاصة بجمعية الإلحاد ؛ لن أشارك اجتماعاتي مع جمعية الإلحاد دون إذن من جمعية الإلحاد. لن أقدم مستندات أو معلومات مزورة ؛ أنني سوف أنقل جميع أنواع المعلومات اللازمة للتقييمات إلى جمعية الإلحاد وأنني سأعيد المكاسب المالية التي حصلت عليها من جمعية الإلحاد في حالة الإدلاء ببيانات كاذبة ؛ أقبل وأتعهد بأنني لن أحمل جمعية الإلحاد المسؤولية عن أي تبعات قانونية تنشأ بسبب المعلومات غير الصحيحة المقدمة إلى جمعية الإلحاد.
In accordance with law no: 6698, published in the official gazette on 07.04.2016, we, the Association of Atheism, Turkey, in Istanbul, acting as data controller, are obliged to inform you that your data we received in any way, will be recorded, stored, updated within the scope as explained below, and, in cases enforced by or within the scope of the legislation, can be classified, revealed/transferred to third parties, and processed in ways as defined in the "Law on the Protection of Personal Data".
An exception is envisaged concerning personal data processed before 07.04.2016, which states that the aforementioned data must be regulated according to the law within two years. It is resolved that all data identified as inconsistent with the law within this period must be deleted, eliminated, or anonymized.
The law indicates legal consent received before 07.04.2016 will be accepted as statuary in the case of no conflicting declaration of interest being submitted within a year.
This personal data is directly given by the member/participant by any means, via a tangible or online environment.
name and surname,
Contact details such as phone numbers (home and business), addresses, e-mail addresses, fax numbers,
Date of birth,
education level,
Areas of interest/complacency, complaints
Social media preferences
Likes and preferences,
Payment information,
Education and work experience/personal background information/career goals
Job title/occupation/employer information
Pictures constitute the plenary meeting and event visuals within the extent of legal regulations.
It includes subjects like those above.
Sensitive Personal Data:
Personal data directly involving confidentiality/privacy of a person listed in the law as numerus clausus, such as race, ethnicity, political opinions, philosophical opinions, religion, religious sects, or other beliefs, membership of associations, foundations, or trade unions, health or sexual life, appearance and outfit, conviction, genetics, and biometric data.
Except for health and sexual life, the use of other sensitive personal data requires explicit consent. In the case that the law enforces the collection of that data, explicit consent is not required. Also, storing health and sexual life data by a health care provider regarding health care services does not require explicit consent. However, our association does not collect such information from its members.
Data Controller Identity;
According to the Law on the Protection of Personal Data, "Data Controller" refers to the natural or legal person who determines the purposes and means of processing personal data and is responsible for the establishment and management of the data recording system, and the addressee data controller is the Association of Atheism, Turkey under the Law on the Protection of Personal Data.
Address: Osmanağa Mahallesi, Çuhadarağa Sokak,
No:23/40, Kat:1,
Telefon & Fax: (+90) 850 840 2337
E-mail: kvkk@ateizmdernegi.org.tr
Purposes of Processing Personal Data;
Your Personal Data is processed within the scope of the following purposes:
Enforcement of activities in line with the purposes and working subjects specified in the Association's bylaws,
organization, management, and execution of activities and related processes for the Association's members or representatives, such as the Association's general assembly meetings, working group meetings, commission meetings, summits, agenda meetings, other member meetings, etc.
Ensuring communication between the association and the members regarding the membership rights and obligations, and fulfilling the related rights and obligations.
Giving information about the promotion of the association and the activities carried out,
Determining and implementing the activities and services of the Association, executing service policies,
Enhancement of communication and cooperation within the association,
Execution of reporting activities within the association,
Informing members about the activities of the association,
Ensuring the execution of the security and inspection of all facilities belonging to the Association,
submitting the required information and documents to institutions, organizations, or courts upon the request of those administrative institutions and organizations and courts.
Keeping the books and records required to be kept by the Association under the legislation.
Fulfillment of obligations under the Associations Law No. 5223, Associations Regulation and other legislation,
Execution of legal processes related to members
Copying/backing up of data to prevent data loss.
Personal data of the member/volunteer
Providing opportunities such as membership, invitations, benefiting from events, and fulfilling all kinds of procedures to make them available to the member/volunteer.
To be able to inform you about the services to be offered and their content,
Evaluation of personal data and information in statistical studies without disclosing identity to improve the services of the association.
Determining the preferences and needs of the member/volunteer and forming and updating the services to be provided to the member/volunteer within this scope,
Providing information to sponsors/supporters of the association about the content of its activities, opportunities, and innovations.
Informing the member/volunteer about the information, events, and services they will request,
Evaluation of complaints and applications made by the member/volunteer
Offering new activities and services that may interest the member/volunteer according to their preferences,
Reminding the Member/Volunteer of the contents and opportunities that the Member/Volunteer likes, may want to access again, and would be pleased to be reminded of,
Based on the information provided by the member/volunteer, researching member/volunteer profiles, interests, and behaviors, producing anonymous, total, and statistical information, and combining this information with the information of other members to develop the Association's content, based on data such as the percentage of female/male visitors and certain age groups.
To develop special content and opportunities for the profiles to be generated through research conducted on member/volunteer profiles, interests, and behaviors based on the information given by themselves,
Processing the personal data, preferences, transactions, browsing time, and details of the Member/Volunteer in the channels where he/she logs in using the Member/Volunteer name and password, together with the other data obtained,
Analyzing and auditing to increase the quality of the services offered and to develop new services,
Managing applications,
Identifying the member/volunteer by matching their data with the data obtained from other channels described in the "Method and Legal Reason for Personal Data Collection" section above, and using the data for the purpose of obtaining it,
Transferring data for storage,
Copying/backing up to prevent data loss,
Notifying the members/volunteers, sending electronic messages about the activities organized by or supported by the association or the activities that the association wishes to announce,
To be able to send commercial electronic messages by obtaining additional approval under the legal legislation,
Scholarship applications,
Keeping the resumes and the notes of the interviews and reference investigations generated during the job application evaluation period to offer a job to people who applied for a job in the association or who have worked for the association before, or providing productivity and performance references to new employers upon request, helps the association to maintain.
For other purposes, to be notified of the member/volunteer during the collection of the information,
To ensure the fulfillment of legal obligations, as required or mandated by legal regulations,
And in other ways specified in the Law on the Protection of Personal Data,
can be processed.
Persons/organizations to whom personal data can be transferred for the aforementioned purposes;
People or organizations permitted by the Associations Law and other legislation to carry out their activities include, but are not limited to, universities, schools, NGOs, public institutions and organizations, and real and legal people operating in the private sector, with which we are in mutual coordination to realize the objectives of our association, program partner organizations, domestic and foreign institutions and organizations, banks, and other third parties that we get service from or cooperate with to carry out our activities.
Collection Method of Your Personal Data and its Legal Reason
Your Personal Data may be submitted physically during the membership application to the Association, or through the application form filled out on the Association website at www.ateizmdernegi.org.tr and documents submitted physically or transmitted electronically to the Association within the scope of the Association's Bylaws, and also within the scope of various communications made with the Association (such as contacting the Association by telephone or e-mail).
The information given to the officials of the Association is collected verbally or in writing or on electronic media and processed.
In this context, your personal data is processed for the following legal reasons: Carrying out activities in line with the purposes and working subjects specified in the Association's Bylaws; Organizing, managing, and conducting activities and related processes for the members of the Association or their representatives; ensuring communication between members regarding membership rights and obligations; and fulfilling related rights and obligations, Execution of reporting activities within the association, upon the request of administrative institutions and organizations and courts submission of necessary information and documents to these institutions, organizations or courts, keeping the books and records required to be kept by the Association under the legislation, Within the scope of fulfilling the obligations pursuant to the provisions of the Associations Law No. 5223, the Associations Regulation and other legislation, it is mandatory for the Association, which is the data controller, to fulfill its legal obligations as per Article 5/2(ç) of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data and to be able to communicate with the members, Providing information about the promotion and activities of the Association, determining and implementing the activities and services of the Association, executing service policies, enhancing communication and cooperation within the association, informing the members within the scope of the activities of the association, ensuring the execution of security and inspection of all facilities belonging to the association, data processing is being mandatory for the legitimate interests of the Association, in accordance with Article 5/2(f) of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data, for the purposes of copying/backing up in order to prevent data loss, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of our members (or real person representatives of our legal entity members), In addition, in order to carry out the legal processes related to the Members, it is responsible for the necessity of data processing for the establishment, exercise or protection of the right as per article 5/2(e) of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data.
Domestic or International Transfer of Your Data and the Purposes of its Transfer;
The Association will be able to transfer your data to the following people in the following ways and situations, under the basic principles stipulated by the Law on the Protection of Personal Data and by the conditions specified in the 8th and 9th articles of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data:
Within the scope of the membership of the Association, your personal data will be shared with relevant institutions and organizations by the Association to fulfill its legal obligations to this limited extent: if it is required under any legislation in force during the period of processing, including the Law on Associations No. 5223 and the Associations Regulation, or if it is necessary to share this data to fulfill an obligation stipulated under the legislation.
In addition to membership of the association or real person representation of a legal person member, if you take charge of the body of the association, your identity information, contact information, and professional knowledge will be shared with the Provincial Directorate of Associations and other relevant public institutions and organizations. It is mandatory to share this information with the association, which is the data controller, to fulfill its legal obligations to fulfill various obligations in the Law of Associations and secondary legislation.
The Association receives services from third parties regarding mass e-mail sending and to send you e-mails that will inform you about the activities of the Association and the activities carried out within the scope of the membership of the Association. Your e-mail addresses will be shared with the agency from which the service is received at the time of sending, provided that it does not harm your fundamental rights and freedoms, within the scope of the Association's legitimate interest.
To provide various activities and services, such as general assembly meetings, working group meetings, summits, agenda meetings, and other member meetings organized within the association, we work with companies outside the association from time to time. The name and surname information of the people who will participate in the event in question will be shared with the organization firm authorized by the Association in terms of certain activities and which will act as a data processor for that particular business, provided that it does not harm your fundamental rights and freedoms, within the scope of the legitimate interests of the Association, which is the data controller.
Although no particular data transfer is made to the relevant companies, the Association works with information technology companies independent of the Association to provide information technology services, provided that it does not harm the fundamental rights and freedoms of our members (or real person representatives of our legal entity members) and based on the legal reason that data processing is mandatory for the legitimate interests of the Association, these companies can access the servers and programs used by the Association from time to time to provide technical support within the scope of providing these services, and, in this context, indirectly, the data under these programs. However, it is not possible for these companies to transfer the data to their systems or to process and store this data by themselves.
In the case of any dispute regarding the rights or obligations of the member/volunteer or membership/volunteering in the Association, your personal data, limited to the relevant dispute, can be shared with the association's lawyers, consultants, relevant judicial authorities, and enforcement authorities within the scope of being compulsory for the establishment, use, or protection of the rights of the data controller Association.
If it is necessary for the Association to carry out the above-mentioned data processing purposes and activities within the scope of the Association's Bylaws, it can be shared with domestic third parties, such as consultants, financial advisors, auditors, from which the Association receives services, support and consultancy within the scope of the legitimate interest of the Association, which is the data controller, provided that it is mandatory for the establishment, use or protection of the rights of the Association.
In addition to the ones listed above, if necessary for the fulfillment of legal obligations under the legislation in force at the date of the relevant transaction or request, or in the case of a request from official institutions, your personal data, which will be requested by the authorities, may be shared with relevant institutions and organizations or judicial bodies to fulfill legal obligations.
Your Rights as a Relevant Person according to Article 11 of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data;
You have the rights listed below:
By applying to our association, your data is protected within the framework of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data and other applicable legislation;
Learning whether your personal data is processed or not,
If your personal data has been processed, request information about it.
Learning the purpose of processing personal data and whether it is used for that purpose or not,
Knowing the third parties (domestic or abroad) to whom your Personal Data is transferred,
Requesting correction of your data in case it is incomplete or incorrectly processed,
Requesting the deletion or destruction of your data within the framework of the conditions stipulated in Article 7 of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data,
Requesting notification of third parties to whom your personal data has been transferred, about transactions made within the scope of Articles 5 and 6
Objecting to the emergence of a result against you by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems,
If you suffer damage due to unlawful processing of personal data, request the removal of this damage.
Means of Application to the Association within the Scope of Your Rights;
Under the provisions of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data and the Communiqué on the Procedures and Principles of Application to the Data Controller, you must first apply to our Association as the data controller with a letter containing your request to exercise your rights under the Law on the Protection of Personal Data stated above, incase of rejection of your application, you must apply to the Personal Data Protection Board in line with Article 14 of the Law. after 30 days, In case your application is not responded to, you must apply to the Personal Data Protection Board 60 days after the application.
Within the scope of your written application to our association, you can send your request, which includes the necessary information to determine your identity and your explanation of your right that you request to exercise the rights specified in Article 11 of the Law, to "Istanbul ATEİZM DERNEĞİ, Osmanağa Mah. Çuhadarağa Sok. No:23/40 Galerium İş Merkezi Kadıköy / İSTANBUL" by hand, via a notary public, or by other methods specified in the Law on the Protection of Personal Data.
We respectfully bring the matter to your attention.
Deed of Consent of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data
ASSOCIATION OF ATHEISM, TURKEY has provided me with full and clear information about my rights under the relevant law and other legislation.
Personal data belonging to me is collected by the relevant units of the Association via e-mail, SMS, and Association records. Making calls for association notifications, events and announcements, SMS/mail sending requests, SMS notification, creation of participation lists and event participation reporting, report and SMS studies, event design, current member/volunteer detection, analysis, etc. It is transferred to call centers via the e-mail address and member phone number registered with the association.
This deed of consent contains my explicit consent regarding the processing and storage of my data for the above-mentioned purposes, and, in the case required by business processes, the transfer of data to the relevant institutions and organizations in the country and abroad, to third parties and organizations, branches, companies that provide services and sponsorship, institutions and organizations working with the Association and economic enterprises as required by the nature of the contract.
I hereby declare that I have given this deed of consent, including my explicit consent regarding the legislation mentioned above, of my own free will without any pressure.